Sunday, August 21, 2005


Here's what Mary Ann had to say about getting her Saturday Night Fever replacement.

Been talking with Uncle Bob all week since he is according to your definitation the expert on blah, blah (meaning nothing). For my week has been nothing. No SNF and no new k/b. It's always the darkest before dawn and today as been very dark. /the weather i dark and my mood is dark. Then late this evening, my most despised neighbor,such a phony I DESPISE HER WITH APASSION showed up with a package addressed to me which she had opened. Don't know how long she had it and didn't care---she got the bums rush right out the door WHOOSH. I don't think she knew what hit her and I don't think she will ever darken my door again. Sonow I am in Heaven. I have my SNF and life IS A BOWL OF CHERRIES. My ailing foot and I had the grandest walk this evening---we never missed a beat and the new recording never missed a note. Trust me, I would know if it missed a note. What a grand gift for an 80 year old ex-disco queen. How apprapo. It is amazing, don't you think, how important such a small thing can be so important in my life. I really don't understand it. I remember years ago, like back in the 60's I used to drive Virginia crazy. Every night when I got home from work, I put on "West Side Story" the words were so important to a newly born lesbian who was revelling in a new world. She brought home countless albums to no avail. Another story for another day. Thank you for caring and continually enriching my life. xoxoxo mah


Blogger sttropezbutler said...

MaryAnn gives me such hope. I love the fact that an 80 year old, nearly blind person uses her computer and the internet and moves on with her life. She is an inspiration!

Keep on dancing MaryAnn!


2:50 PM  
Blogger Blogzie said...


80 years young and loving life (except for a neighbor or two) and groovin' to the beat of Saturday Night Fever.

Beyond the beyond of cool.

Stayin' Alive...


4:23 PM  
Blogger nancy =) said...

thanks for sharing the jewel that is mah...she seems priceless =)

9:21 PM  
Blogger Sublime said...

Anyone who uses the phrase "bums rush" is golden in my book.

Another truly priceless friendship with which you are blessed.

Take care today,

5:29 PM  
Blogger Sublime said...


Thank you for the compassionate comment on my blog. It is greatly appreciated even though we barely know one another. Pain can reach across infinate spaces, but then again, thankfully so can love.

Take care today,

11:19 AM  
Blogger Connie in FL said...

If MAH every visits you in the ghetto, I expect an invitation and a formal introduction! xoxo

11:13 PM  
Blogger CrackerLilo said...

I would love to party with you and MaryAnn...I'm 31 and healthy, and I think you would both outlast me! :-)

Thanks for the tip on Sinead singing Gershwin--I now have to go and find that!

10:50 PM  
Blogger Sublime said...


Just letting everyone know that I have had to change the address for my personal blog (American Oblivion). It can now be found at

Take care,

12:45 PM  

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