Tuesday, November 01, 2005


In a conversation today STB told me he had never seen MOONSTRUCK.

Odd for a Cher fan don't ya think.



Blogger nancy =) said...


my family and i recite whole chunks of dialouge from that movie..."where are you taking me? to the bed!!" "why do men cheat? because they're afraid to die"..."old man, you give that dog one more piece of my food and i'm gonna kick ya"...and of course, "SNAP OUT OF IT!"...it's in the top ten of my all time favorites!!

great scenes of brooklyn heights and i get all weepy cuz theres also great shots of the wtc...

i just may go pop it in right now...

butler put this on your list of things to do...

ciao bella!!

9:51 PM  
Blogger nancy =) said...

p.s. hey rqm how about for the next photo day you show us another one of your quilts?...purty pleeeeze?...ciao...

9:54 PM  
Blogger Blogzie said...

Well, duh!

Like she only won the Best Actress Oscar for this.

I mean sure, she wore some ridiculous Bob Mackie plummage when she accepted the award, but she still won!

For the love of pete, we really must get STB out and about a little more.

When the moon hits your eye like a big-a pizza pie,
That's amore

2:01 AM  
Blogger RED QUILT MAKER said...

And Nancy let's not forget my favorite line...

Chrissie, get me the big knife.


7:47 AM  
Blogger sttropezbutler said...

I've always said...All Will Be Revealed....

But is this too much?


9:05 AM  
Blogger I n g e r said...

Red, what quilts? I want to see, too!

STB makes anything look fashionable--even not having seen Moonstruck (though, admittedly, this one's a stretch!) :)

5:54 AM  
Blogger dondon009 said...

Well now, there are TWO people on the planet who have not seen MOONSTRUCK!

I'm not a major Cher fan, but I sure do love those Bob Mackie "wish I was a drag queen" gowns.......

It happens to be picture Sunday.... I'm not seeing any pictures?

9:50 AM  

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